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DST Time Begins Tonight: Spring the Clocks Forward

March 9, 2013

Just a reminder that Daylight Savings Time begins again tonight, or Sunday morning at 2:00 AM. You’ll lose an hour of sleep tonight, so be sure to hit the sack a little earlier and turn the clocks forward an hour before turning in. That means more light in the evenings, but darker in the mornings for a while. I love the lighter evenings, it makes the days feel so much longer.

Also take this opportunity to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and CO detectors. It is good practice to change the batteries when you change the clocks ahead and back twice a year, and be sure to replace detectors that are older than 10 years. This is also a good time to check or change the batteries on your emergency receivers, such as your portable scanner, portable AM/FM radio, NOAA weather radio, or HT. With severe weather season just around the corner, make sure everything is charged up and at the ready should the need for them arise.

Finally, check the supplies in your emergency kit. You may want to put in fresh food or water and make sure that you have a full stock of food, water, blankets, any necessary communications equipment or radios, a working flashlight, and any medications for yourself, your family or your pets.

The clocks always change twice a year, and these are a great way to remember to do these quick tasks that will make your house more prepared and safer. If you have any suggestions or other ideas that I might have missed, feel free to let me know!

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